The "Devil's Dictionary is a dictionary where Ambrose Bierce peculiar as if it were a scholarly encyclopedia, defines (with a thin, sharp sense of humor) a range of meanings that serve to criticize society, institutions, archetypes and everything politically correct.
. s. Beings of little merit that hinder the floor of a newly discovered country. Soon cease to interfere, then fertilize.
CYNIC. Adj. Canalla UTCs whose impaired vision makes him see things as they are, not as they should be. Thus arose the custom among the Scythians ruled out the eyes to the cynical to improve vision.
DISTANCE. s. One thing that the rich are willing to give to the poor who come to them.
HAPPINESS. s. Pleasant sensation that occurs when you contemplate the misery of others.
Asshole. s. Kind of divine inspiration or holy fire, suffered by critics who decry this dictionary. IMPROPER
. Adj. Near the vulgarity, which is the worst sin conceivable.
OPPORTUNITY. s. Occasion to catch a disappointment.
TIMAR. v. Tr. Tell the sovereign people that if one is elected not steal
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