there you have them clinging to their bit of power
proud of the crumbs that have been able to collect and accumulate
proud of your car, your home, your couples, their professionalism ... it has currado
have had good luck and congratulations
have triumphed!
but why the disdain with which they have not succeeded?
why twist the mouth when they smile?
what is wrong?
did have fear?
there you have them and spend
care because that fear makes them vulnerable and dangerous, besides
false, treacherous, mediocre and just deadly, dangerous
and not last to steal, insult, ningunearte,
and stab in the back
when create view jeopardize that bit of paradise
who believe they have conquered
the best poems written dejastes
the last night on my body
be free
is not having to choose
not know if saying
- no
who are guilty but who are my enemies
- do not know who are my enemies
but who are the culprits
so I am driven by instinct and
by and took position with those who are losing
The vignettes that accompany the poems are Max (Francesc Capdevila)
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