Nights Neverendings "The idea of \u200b\u200bfalling in love with your soul mate is like believing in the target levels, say, harmful. That's all for believing that something can go crazy, and that you believe destined to meet with a particular person for the time being remains incognito, is equally dangerous. All that suggests that there is only one way to go, a person you love or a way of life, is a delay. It like going through life with a mold Christmas cookie shaped like a heart and try to make the people we meet on our way to adapt to that mold. And after talking a few minutes out of a room with another smoker who comes to you, you look up and down and then say, 'a moment, please do not retire I'm going to put a cast on his head '. 'Ah, well no, not you ... Next! " We sometimes by adapting to that mold and others make to adapt to ours, that is uncomfortable and antiorgánico, all for trying to keep believing in that perfect love that could be made just for you. Whether to cut the toes to fit the glass slipper, as it is cut, total, nor is that we use both ... And along with tales of princesses, I think many are still frogs. Remain hidden behind bulging eyes that seem to beg someone finally we decode, anyone transferred this endless process and we will conquer the other side. What else? That's something to be discovered. For now, Cinderella, I suggest a little more adventure and improvisation. "
Bárbara Alpuente
To date, neither I nor the world we chord.